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Why you don't feel free to be a man

Writer's picture: Nick MargrettNick Margrett

What is a "man" today? What does it mean to be a man? In the confusion and "freedom" our society offers, it almost seems like we have less of an idea than ever about many of life's big questions. There is a crisis of manhood, and with men making up a smaller percentage than ever of people enrolling in college, it might be a different sort of crisis than we think.

What if the problem is that men don't feel free to be a man? What if, in our quest for freedom from all restraints, we have actually tied ourselves to different forms of slavery?

We believe God has something to say. God has freed men to lead and to listen, and we'll be exploring what that means at our Better Men Conference, on Saturday, November 13, 9-12. Register for this FREE event here. With engaging speakers and time for discussion, this conference will be one that changes the way you see yourself as a man of God. Hosted by First Immanuel Lutheran Church, we know that this will impact your faith and help you feel the freedom God desires for you.

Not a man? No worries. You know someone who is. Just forward this along, because chances are they need to hear that "for freedom Christ has set us free" (Galatians 5:1).

Again, you can find more information and register right here.

Got any questions? Just email us. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you on the 13th for the Better Men Conference!


8:15-9:00 Registration/ Coffee and donuts

9:00-10:15 Session 1: Freedom to Lead

10:15-10:45 Breakout discussion

10:45-12:00 Session 2: Freedom to Listen

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