Ephesians 4:11-12 – “So Christ Himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”
Down through the ages there has always been one point on which all Christian agree: THE CHURCH IS THE BODY OF CHRIST! In addition, this body of Christ has often been compared to our own human bodies, and rightly so. There is no one, individual Christian who is more important than any other Christian is, just like there is no one part of our body that is more important than another is. Each part of our bodies has its own, distinctive and individual purpose. For example, have you ever tried to eat spaghetti with your feet? Or walk for a mile on your hands?
And so it is with all of us who make up the Body of Christ! We have different talents, different abilities, and different functions to perform.
We really can only please God when we think of ourselves as fitting into and contributing to the work of the Christian community, NOT if we think of ourselves as standing alone. We are co-workers with God working in His field, the world, or more specifically, the neighborhood, we live in.
There are many ways we can serve God. We all do have special gifts from God. The question is how are we using them? Serving God means serving our fellow humankind. Serving God means totally transforming our lives to the will and the ways of God.
The gifts of grace found in Christians are not the same from person to person, but their end and object is the same. We use what we have been given to serve our Lord, and not to serve our own selfish purposes.
How are you serving your Lord? Perhaps it is by talking about your faith and what your God means to you. Perhaps it is by showing what it really means to be a Christian by your actions and willingness to help others. Perhaps it is by organizing and serving at a function. Perhaps it is by being totally dedicated to serving God whenever and wherever the opportunity arises.
Whatever your gift might be, whatever your service might be, it is a service of gladness. For no one can honestly serve God and not be happy!
May God bless all of us with the understanding or who we are, in Christ, and give us the strength, courage, and ability to serve Him, wherever we find ourselves.
Prayer: Dear Father, help me to realize all that you have given to me and to use those gifts to enhance Your kingdom here on earth and to the glory of Your Name. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.